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Company history

September 1997 Established Pharma Foods Research Co., Ltd., a functional food ingredient development and sales company in Kyoto prefecture with a capital of 10 million Japanese yen
May 2001 Introduction of Ovopron, a Helicobacter Pylori antibody in the market
September 2001 Introduction of PharmaGABA, a GABA-containing ingredient in the market
October 2003 Introduction of Delicious Catechin, a catechin ingredient
October 2004 Changed the company name to Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd.
May 2006 Established KEIHANNA Research center for Bio Medical development
May 2006 Introduction of Bonepep, an egg yolk peptide ingredient
June 2006 Went public and listed in Mothers, a Tokyo Stock Exchange market
September 2006 Moved the head office to the west ward of Kyoto (to the current location)
October 2006 Introduction of Runpep, an egg white peptide ingredient
April 2007 Established Hiroshima Bio Medical company in Hiroshima (49% PFI shares)
February 2010 Created LSI Department to launch CRO business
September 2010 Launched Enriched Folic Acid eggs business in China
February 2012 Started B to C business
July 2012 Established Dongbu Farm PFI. Co., Ltd. in partnership with Dongbu group in Korea (49% PFI shares)
July 2012 Introduction of iHA, hyaluronic acid production stimulating ingredient
August 2012 Launched ‘Tamagokichi’, a B to C direct sales brand and introduced a new joint health supplement ‘Tamagosamine with iHA’
October 2012 Acquired additional shares of Benart Co., Ltd. (50% PFI shares)
September 2013 Started sale of electricity produced by Benart Co., Ltd.
September 2013 Acquired Hiroshima Bio Medical company
September 2014 Opened the Company’s own call center for the Tamagokichi® e-commerce sales brand
May 2015 Acquired the ISO 9001 quality management system certification
August 2015 Established PharmaFoods Communication Inc. to conduct call center operations for health foods and cosmetics (made a wholly owned subsidiary in December 2018, currently a consolidated subsidiary)
December 2015 Began joint research with the National Cancer Center Japan to develop antibodies to treat malignant tumors
November 2016 To expand the Bio Value business, made FUTURE LABO Inc. a subsidiary (currently a consolidated subsidiary)
December 2016 Listing was changed to the TSE Second Section
October 2018 Concluded a joint research agreement with Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation for antibody pharmaceuticals indicated for the treatment of autoimmune diseases
November 2018 Market launched Newmo® Hair Growth Formula, a non-pharmaceutical product formulated with HGP®
February 2021 Listing was upgraded to the TSE First Section
August 2021 Invested in Ai-BrainScience Inc., which is developing a cognitive function diagnostic app Made a wholly owned subsidiary of Meiji Yakuhin Co., Ltd., which manufactures and sells pharmaceuticals and nonpharmaceutical products
April 2022 APRO Science, Tokushima was incorporated into our group with the aim of discovering new pharmaceutical targets and enhancing its identification
May 2022 Invested in Onkyo Corporation as an affiliate (shareholding ratio 36.3%, currently an equity-method affiliate) with the aim of strengthening health and medical equipment sales, and identifying the targets for drug discovery business using AI technology
May 2022 Acquired Sosei CVC Co., Ltd. (currently PF Capital Co., Ltd.) shares and made a subsidiary to enhance synergies with the biomedical business