CEO’s message
Delivering total support for health maintenance from Japan to the World.

‘Food’ in Chinese letter means ‘doing people good’. Apart from the nutrition and deliciousness, daily foods may have beneficial functionalities. Our biotechnology in foods began from this fact. We pursue user-friendly biotechnology rather than GMO or protein engineering.
Our R&D concepts surround 3 key elements: ‘immunity’ ‘aging’ ‘nerves’ that are important in quality of life and health maintenance. Our aim is to discover functional substances in relation to 3 key elements from daily foods such as eggs, milk, green tea, rice and lactobacillus. Food ingredients we develop have scientific evidence like pharmaceuticals. That is, Pharma Foods.
In this perspective, eggs are one of our main R&D points. Eggs turn into chicks after 21 days of hatching; it is a ‘bio capsule’ filled with substances that are needed for life. This inspired our collaborative research with Gen corporation into Ovopron, a chicken antibody (IgY). Chickens lay antibodies in egg yolk protein to protect baby birds from bacterial infections. If we use utilize this unique system, can it be possible to gain antibodies to prevent humans from infections? Ovopron is the answer to this question.
Going from Japan to the World, we strive to build a business that offers total support in health maintenance!
Dr. Mujo Kim
CEO Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd.